Biden and Sanders face off in first one-on-one debate


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Biden and Sanders face off.

Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) debated each other for the first time on March 15. Here’s what you missed.

How did the two Democratic presidential candidates criticize each other’s positions during the debate?

On Sunday, March 15, two Democratic presidential candidates, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, faced off in a one-on-one debate. This is the first time in this election cycle that the two candidates have faced each other without any other contenders. The debate was held in Washington, DC and was hosted by CNN, Univision, and The Washington Post.

The debate was entirely focused on the coronavirus pandemic and how the candidates planned to handle the crisis if elected president. Both candidates started by making opening statements in which they highlighted their plans to combat the virus. Biden started with a message of reassurance to the American people, saying that he will be an effective leader in handling the crisis. Sanders, on the other hand, stressed on the need for the government to provide healthcare and financial aid to every American in need.

The debate then progressed to discussing specific policies that the candidates proposed to address the pandemic. Biden proposed enacting the Defense Production Act to increase the production of personal protective equipment (PPE), requiring employers to provide paid leave to their employees, and investing in research to produce a vaccine. Sanders proposed universal healthcare to ensure that all Americans could access medical care without worrying about the cost, expanding paid leave to all workers, and suspending mortgage payments and rent for Americans who cannot afford to pay at this time.

The candidates also addressed the issue of border control in a time of the pandemic. Biden stated that the US should still allow for necessary travel in and out of the United States while taking appropriate precautions to protect citizens, but he stressed on the need to provide aid to countries disproportionately affected by the virus, such as Italy and China. Sanders, on the other hand, called for a complete shutdown of the border entry into the United States. This approach is in contrast to his previous positions on immigration.

The debate also gave the candidates an opportunity to direct criticisms at each other’s positions. Biden criticized Sanders for not providing a clear path to pay for his proposals, while Sanders criticized Biden for not having a comprehensive plan to address the climate crisis.

Overall, the debate was civil and focused on discussing policy solutions to the pandemic. Biden and Sanders both showed compassion and empathy towards the American people, recognizing the severity of the situation. The debate gave voters an opportunity to compare the two candidates’ policy proposals side by side, and to evaluate who would be best equipped to handle the crisis as President of the United States.

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